17 | Staying On The Right Path

Mon May 24 8:45 AM

I can’t count how many times things tend to work themselves out when you make that change in your life to get out of a situation that is holding you back. A lot of times, for me, that’s relationships. Over the past few relationships I’ve been in, I’ve realize that I’ve been dedicating too much time, energy and effort into these women who haven’t been accustomed to being treated right to where it leads them to take advantage of me. Over the years, I’ve been able to identify these individuals quite quickly, leaving me to end the relationship sooner than later. There were a couple who were able to go beyond me ending it with an even deeper way of manipulation, but that’s on them and their character and doesn’t really relate to the topic at hand. Karma will, and is currently taking care of that.

But back to what I was reiterating earlier, leaving a situation that wasn’t right for you will allow the universe to give you the blessings that you weren’t allowing yourself to receive by being preoccupied with the distractions that weren’t helping your life at all when in reality they were energy vampires and were draining your energy.

I kid you not, the past few relationships I’ve gotten out of, I immediately start getting bookings for music, photography and videos. Seemingly out of nowhere, but I’m convinced it was because I was allowing these draining circumstances blind me from which path to continue on.

So, stay focused, trust your gut feeling about situations and get out if it doesn’t make you genuinely happy.

-JohnnyB theShooter

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