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Wed May 26 10:18 AM

When you find a new person that interests you, there are so many thoughts that run through your head. For me, as a man, I’m always attracted to beautiful women. BUT, that doesn’t mean I would consider then a 10. For whatever reason, I tend to attract women that society would most likely deem 8 - 10… physically. But for some reason when you have a woman that has this type of visual attention, she tends to become less and less humble, heartfelt and logical. There are so many men out there that are super simps and will say and do anything to get these types of women to even glance their way. This is toxic. It breeds a type of woman that either depends on her outwardly attractiveness which turns out to be toxic for both people in the relationship.

The type of person, man or woman, that will be good enough for you, will show you your worth through their own actions. The thing with me, dealing with these types of women, I can identify how they think and what they expect and motivates their own actions within a few months. I’m not saying that there aren’t women who are drop dead gorgeous who aren’t the “diva” type. So I’m hopeful, as we all should be. Everyone deserves real unconditional love.

-JohnnyB theShooter

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