16 | Everything Ends
Sun May 23 2:14 AM
There’s nothing in existence that will last forever, in a literal, physical sense. The person who you love the most will eventually pass on, you favorite meal will end when you eat it, same with your drink. Your passion could even end due to circumstances that happen in life. I’ve been dealing with a few big losses within this last year.
This is why I believe life is fueled by experiences. As I get older, this idea of everything being finite didn’t hit until I was out of my 20’s. We, people in our 30’s, are now the adults we always looked up to or encountered as kids. It’s evident seeing my friends I went to college with start families and have kids, our bodies are all starting to deteriorate, not dramatically but definitely something we can see and feel.
So knowing everything is going to end, please, enjoy these experiences. And if they’re bad, be happy an experience ended and you now have knowledge os said experience to be able to approach something similar in a better way. Be better than who you were yesterday.
-JohnnyB theShooter