15 | Be Free


Fri May 21 8:22 PM

A lot of people are prisoners of their own mind. They limit themselves based on old habits or old fears. I know of an example of people getting into relationships. because they don’t know who they are. Growing up in a society that has a specific way of upbringing amongst classes or genders and pigeon holing them into an ideology that is toxic. I know women who are habitually in relationships because they don’t know who they are. They only identify their worth by being with a type of man that validates them in some way. I don’t want to go as far as calling it pathetic, but being unable to know who you are and never being mature enough to reflect on who you are can cause your life so much more stress and anguish be constantly trying to validate who you are by who you can attach yourself to.

Another thing is being able to follow through with what you say, going back to the example of women attaching themselves to specific men for validation. The inability to stick to your goals, ideas and plans due to coming across the path of someone who might have intrigued the old you will keep the more self aware you from ever getting to the point of confidence. Nevertheless, the saying goes, you can take a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

-JohnnyB theShooter

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