12 | Communication
Wed May 19 6:57 AM
Any type of interaction you have with someone involves some sort of communication. It’s a very overlooked aspect of every single part of our lives. Think about the saying “communication is key” and that holds a lot of value in many things. Relationships need communication otherwise how will you know when your partner or friend is needing something or vice versa. Work needs communication otherwise there is no business or work to be down, we’d all be aimless. Even communication with yourself is important. To be able to self realize things that your busy schedule may allow you to overlook.
I try to make it a vital part of my life to communicate. Nowadays, it’s very easy to become a hermit or blow off communication in the assumption that the other person will understand or feel the same. You’re wrong. Whether the information is great news or bad news, all news needs to be communicated. If you’re worried about that other party getting mad at you for a particular decision in not communicating based on bad news, I guarantee that it’s better letting them know the bad news now rather than them uncovering or having to deal with the repercussions of the news later on while still thinking theres good.
Point of the matter is, it’s a sign of maturity to be able to communicate your thoughts and feelings to others. It’s much more efficient on time and emotions when you have to deal with things in the moment rather than down the line.
-JohnnyB theShooter