13 | Beyond Reality
Thu May 20 5:08 AM
Surely you’ve heard saying like, “life is what you make it” or “speak things into existence.” Well, ok, then do you believe in this or have you just become one of those people that say thinks that are popular and relatable? I’ve firsthand seen these ideas of creating your own destiny happen, now more than ever.
Growing up before the internet, our futures were very limited in what we’d be exposed to in our lives, especially early on and even more especially if you’re in a small or remote place. I still see this is those types of places to this day though still. Being able to think that you can do what you want has been pushed more to the forefront with the boom of the internet. It really does connect people all around the world, which sounds easy to understand but is literally logically incomprehensible. There’s no way anyone can understand how many people there are on this planet, so we just come up with an estimated number. But can you comprehend and visualize everyone on the planet in one place? Most likely not. The point is, nowadays our potential for being able to do what you love becomes closer to reality than a dream.
There have been many successful people who have a story where they tell themselves they’re going to be successful everyday and work towards it and ultimately achieve their goal. But the thing about those people are, when they do achieve that success, it’s not as exciting as it would be had it happened randomly. It was pre-planned, pre-destined and pre-willed. It’s along the lines of a vision board. It gives your internal person a direction to continue to go where you need to go. A downside to all this networking and access is being able to be easily distracted with the multitude of anything, anytime and almost anywhere.
If you want something, tell yourself that you’re going to get there. But it can’t just be an empty statement. If you want to be famous, work on how. If you want to be a millionaire, figure out what way you can get there. It all takes effort, planning, hard work and a little bit of good fortune put into the universe by speaking the words, “I’m going to be successful from all this hard work.”
-JohnnyB theShooter