11 | Creating a Habitual Blog
Mon May 17 9:59 PM
So I have mentioned this before, but since I was finally able to upgrade my computer(~2015 Dell Desktop to a 2021 MacBook M1) I’ve been making it a point of using this computer, every day. Forcing myself to be in front of something that I only use for productivity. My old PC was used for everything, extremely tedious workflows for photo editing and video editing, regular internet use with tons of streaming, and a moderate gameplay experience on low settings. It’s a desktop and therefore tethered to a home base. This is one thing I wanted in the beginning; having a home base that would be the center of my production. The thing is, I didn’t prepare properly with my research and ultimate purchase to realize not soon after that this computer was already lagging behind in performance based on my cheap budget.
In comes the idea of getting a laptop. I was always very skeptical of laptop uses based on my sole experience purchasing one in ~2007 when I got a 17” HP Laptop, not sure on the series but you might be able to research the specific one due to HP having to recall all these laptops due to poor design and overheating issues. I wasn’t aware of the recall and my computer died a little over a year, not too long after the warranty expired. So I had a huge paper weight at that time.
I always wanted the ability to be able to upgrade my desktop overtime to keep things efficient as long as possible, and to this day, I have never done any type of upgrades to any computers I’ve owned. I had made the switch from my phones from Android to iOS with the iPhone 5s a couple years after it had come out to get it cheaper and was I glad. As I was looking to upgrade to a newer phone after the life of the 5s had come to its end, I tried going back to Android and it only lasted a week before I looked online to find a refurbished iPhone 7 instead of the Motorola something-or-other. After about a year I started to have issues with my connectivity which ended up being due to something internally on the phone so after taking it the Apple Store they decided that they were going to send me a replacement for free. A couple weeks of using the loaner phone I was getting curious as to why I hadn’t got contacted for my phone and decided to call. Apparently the phone was lost in the mail and they ended up upgrading me to an iPhone 8 for free(which I’m still currently using). I then decided to get a cheap refurbished iPad Air 2 and feel in love with how well they worked together. Add in a couple accessories that my girlfriend at the time had and let me use, I was starting to see how well the Apple ecosystem worked. The last thing to the puzzle for me, for now, was definitely the MacBook Pro. Timing just seemed to work pretty well for me and my purchases since as I decided to make the switch to Apple iOS from being a lifelong PC/Windows user.
Anyways, this whole switching to Apple from PC wasn’t really my intent for todays post. It just came to me as a topic to write about as I started to say that I started this blog to force myself in front of my workspace on the daily. Now, it’s time to edit some photos and videos.
-JohnnyB theShooter