10 | Down Time


Sun May 16 9:48 PM

I’ve been enjoying some of my down time the past couple days. The weather is about to be pretty gloomy for a little while but I won’t allow that stop me. Here in Texas, we can go a pretty long time without any rain. So as a creative, I’m going to try and take advantage of this and try to maximize this gloomy, rainy and wet aesthetic.

We had a good amount of rain not too long ago and as it cleared up, I realized why Seattle has the highest suicide rate. Constant and consistent rain is very depressing. But here, there is always sun at the end of it.

I’ve been able to see lately that’s theres always a light at the end of the tunnel in anything. It may be my own optimistic view on the world, or it might just be how the universe works. With the bad, there’s always good. Sometimes, you just need to be vigilante and hopeful enough to know there is an end to the storm. To me, it’s just the progression of life. Ups and downs, good and bad… opposites are a thing for a reason. To have balance in life these things occur.

Keep your eyes, mind and heart open to the good. Never get so bogged down that your eyes are covered in quicksand. You may need to restart, slow down or reroute yourself in a more efficient and happy direction.

-JohnnyB theShooter

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