23 | Elevate


Mon May 31 3:15 PM

Analyzing life and comparing it to how a game works has helped me understand the process a little bit better. Normally, for me, whenever I’m going through something really tough in life and then still get through it, I take a moment to self reflect and then realize that the hardships helped me level up. In a less direct sense, those situations that are really testing you are like the final boss in the level you’re on. Whether it be something dealing with work, relationships or just a task that’s been messing with you for a minute can be categorized in this manner.

Always remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Everything is temporary and whether the storm to experience the sunshine and warmth after you make it through. Another powerful sentiment to understand is that there is a balance in life. You need to understand that bad things will happen. That’s what builds character which will progress to making you a stronger individual.

A switch in dwelling on certain situations can help. Most people tend to notice and spend time on the negatives while allowing the good times and accomplishments to be overlooked. But you wouldn’t be getting newer, harder challenges if you weren’t built for it.

-JohnnyB theShooter

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