7 | Tardiness
Fri May 14 2:05 AM
So I missed a day, by only a couple of hours for my everyday blog. You know what? That’s ok. Nothing in the world is perfect. No one person in this world is perfect. We are allowed to make mistakes, we’re allowed to slip up and most importantly over anything, we’re allowed to be human.
In today’s day in age, with the uprise of social media taking over everyone and everything, society has been put on a global predicament of comparing yourself to another. Whether it be that beautiful model that you aspire to be just like, to have her life, looks and love. But did you know, 99% of these female role models you look up to have severely face tuned themselves to present this idea of human perfection. I dated a model who experienced this first hand as she went to LA to pursue her career. Rubbing elbows with influential, or rather “influential” people has allowed her to see the uglier side of the pretty.
Our parents, school and media has fooled us into thinking we have to be better than everyone else and no one can see your failures or imperfections. Presenting your intellect as being reliable and perfect can also be draining. The pressure of always having to know everything and to be right about the myriad of knowledge in this world can be down right demoralizing. The pressure to be the best has pushed some people, usually younger people, to the brink of existence; of their own life.
I always wonder what life would be like in different times. I’m from the very unique generation that bridges the gap from old to know, industrial to technological ages. From my perspective, there are very good benefits on both sides. The thing about that is, time doesn’t stop nor does it pause. It keep going as we should. Knowing that time will never stop and there’s no other choice but to keep going has kept be grounded lately. Realizing that time is finite, realizing that life and experiences are finite, realizing relationships and sentimentalities has kept me rigid in my beliefs that if we stress so much of trying to achieve perfection or to achieve being better than the next person has consequences that could either end your life or shorten it and will usually impact your overall life in a negative light.
Stay positive and realize we ALL make mistakes and have problems. Don’t believe everything you see or hear and take everything with a grain of salt.
-JohnnyB theShooter