28 | Stay Up

Tue Jun 29 4:29 AM

When you’re in a time in your life where you may feel down, sluggish, unmotivated or uninspired you’ve got to remember that everything in life is temporary. Understand that this, too, will pass. You may have to assist yourself by giving yourself a little push, or reality check, to get back on track.

I’m currently in this mode right now. The temperature where I am is insanely hot, which impacts my usual workflow. I don’t enjoy being cooped up in the house all day so most of the time I prefer to have some sort of connection to the outdoors. But lately, the heat causes issues with many things from equipment overheating as well as myself overheating.

I just need to adapt and change for the times, otherwise I’ll get stuck. This relates to all aspects of life.

-JohnnyB theShooter

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