25 | Knowledge is Power
Wed Jun 2 2:28 AM
Lately as I really start to focus on my own business in audio/visual production, I’ve realized how much knowledge I’ve amassed over the years(over a decade in some cases). I’ve been able to pass down my experience through offering mentoring.
I currently have my first mentee, a guy I met at an old job years ago. We’ve remained friends since both of us left the company till this day. He would come around fairly often to hang out in my garage with me and this is where we started freestyle rapping. We weren’t any good, at all. But we were both at a level to where there wasn’t any judgement. I continued on and began recording, we both got busy with life for a while before we were able to reconnect on the level of having fun with music. At this point, I had been recording songs for a few years and got very good at it. I would write, record and engineer all of my own songs(over 130+) and did this all on my own. Being financially broke made this a necessity. But this need was the catalyst to force myself to learn what I needed to know to get what I needed to get done. His progression has been pretty significant and sped up due to me being able to relate so much to someone starting out that he pretty much has the cheat code for success.
This just boils down to learning, being a sponge and having that desire to finish what you start. There are so many resources out there nowadays but most people would prefer being taught by someone. It’s reassuring, I understand this. Check my pricing page for what I offer for mentoring. You might find it useful.
-JohnnyB theShooter